This pack introduces a renowned Queen of Naboo and her companions into the world of Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Padme Amidala, an iconic figure, has dedicated herself to public service since her youth, fighting for her people not only within the Galactic Senate but also on the streets of Theed and in various other locations. Accompanying her are her valiant handmaidens, among them Sabe, who often safeguards Amidala by assuming her identity. This comprehensive pack offers a complete team of four exquisitely crafted miniatures: Queen Padme Amidala, featured as a Primary Unit; Sabe, portrayed as a Secondary Unit; and two Naboo Royal Handmaidens, functioning as Supporting Units. These miniatures can be deployed either as a cohesive group or alongside other characters from the Star Wars: Shatterpoint universe. Additionally, the pack provides essential unit, stance, and order cards, enabling players to seamlessly integrate these characters into the thrilling battles of Star Wars: Shatterpoint.