Halden is a totem-summoning shaman with an undying amount of work to do - his ghostly clientele provides him with plenty of unusual quests. Adventuring for the dead will take its toll on anyone. After all, wouldn't you be a little off-kilter if you had to listen to restless spirits with unfinished business?
The Good: Halden can draw on the wisdom and power of countless lifetimes.
The Bad: His totems would like to remind you that he isn't making up the voices in his head.
40 Card Character Deck
18 Card Totem Deck
Player Mat
Fortitude Marker
Alcohol Content Marker
Gold Coin Tokens
Ages: 13+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 30-60 minutes
This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of any The Red Dragon Inn stand-alone game is required to play.