The last of his people to avoid enslavement, the mantle of Warden of the Stonekin Isle has long sat upon Halftusk's broad shoulders. No simple brute but an anguished soul, his demeanour is kindly towards the strange and primordial Froglodyte that are his burden, and terrible to invaders that seek them harm.
Designed for use with eitherThe BorderlandsorThe Eternal Gladestarter set, this expansion includes everything you need to add Halftusk, Warden of the Stonekin Isle, to your warband.
5 Miniatures
Å 1 Halftusk, Warden of the Stonekin Isle
Å 3 Froglodytes
Å 1 Halftusk's Banner
3 Profile Cards
Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.